Timetunnels and Your Rebirth

Eclipse Blessings Guardian,  


The quantum time tunnels are being activated as the solar gateways, the lunar gateways and the galactic gateways are spinning through time and space as the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries is now upon us.

The exact alignment of this Eclipse is on Monday, the 8th of April, however the twisting, folding and shifting of timelines is creating turbulence and deepening your sensitivity.

This Solar Eclipse in Aries offers a stellium of planetary alignments including Venus, the North Node, the Moon, the Sun, Chiron, Eris and Mercury retrograde, therefore the pioneering action oriented energy is opening a field of rebirth and regeneration for you to build upon over the next 18 years of your life.

That being said, I do NOT recommend setting your New Moon Intentions during the Eclipse. Also, as Mars and Saturn are meeting up in Pisces, momentum may be a bit watery and muted over the next couple of weeks, so stay the course and nevertheless, persist!


For precise Eclipse support to assist you in spreading your wings, I invite you to tune into episode 108 of Stars, Stones and Stories: Quantum Eclipse Alchemy. Once you have listened to this transmission, there is an opportunity for you to go even deeper with Timetunnels and Your Rebirth, an exclusive Ma Magick transmission that I am gifting everyone who is circled up within the EarthSeed Temple Arts online community. You may join this complimentary and private community at this link.


Finally, if you are called to expand your consciousness and project a field of healing and prayer in this Eclipse Portal, circle within the global Solar Eclipse Celestial Ceremony held on Monday 8th of April from 11:30 am - 5 pm EDT.

Regardless of how you spend your Eclipse, may you banish all fear and stay focused on the gateways of light that are seeking to open the hearts and minds of all of humanity. As the timelines of the Earth shift, remember that your body temple is the microcosm of the macrocosm. 


You are holy and this life is for a blessing.


The passageway of prophecy is opening to the Grail Mysteries in service to the greater good of all of Creation. 


Trust the Process. All is in Divine Order.

Eclipse Blessings,

